NIPOH, June 24 — The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, has given his consent for Hari Raya Aidiladha prayers and the “ibadah korban” (animal sacrificial rites) to be held in the state even though Aidiladha will be celebrated during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period.
Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Customs (MAIPk) chief executive officer Shahrul Azam Shaari said the decision was taken after the Ruler took into consideration the recommendations from the Perak Fatwa Council and referring to National Security Council (NSC) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines.
He said the congregational Aidiladha prayers (Adiladha is expected to fall on July 31), can be carried out in all mosques and surau (in the state) with the size of congregation based on the actual capacity of the main prayer hall, taking into account the prescribed RMCO standard operating procedures (SOPs), among others the one-meter distancing between congregants.
Women are also allowed to perform the Aidiladha prayers in a special area, and they must be accompanied to the mosque or surau by a mahram (male family member/s).
“As Aidiladha falls on a Friday and in line with the ulil amri’s (Ruler’s) decree, it is stressed that the Friday prayer is obligatory with the number of attendees based on prayer hall capacity, and adhering to the set SOPs,” he said in a statement, here, today.
Shahrul Azam also said Aidiladha and Friday prayers attendance at the moment is only for Malaysians with congregation members’ identity checked and recorded before being permitted to the prayer hall.
Regarding ibadah korban, he said only those organized by mosques and surau committees are allowed, from July 31 until August 3, must be confined to the house of worship’s yard, and approved by the state’s religious authority and the Veterinary Services Department.
He said attendance during ibadah korban, for now, is allowed only to Malaysians, with the identity of participants and volunteers involved checked and recorded, before being permitted to enter the slaughtering and distributing area.
He said the Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk) will be issuing guidelines on the Aidiladha prayers and ibadah korban to all mosques and surau committee chairmen in the state.
“These directives and resolutions are applicable and effective immediately until any new directives are issued from MAIPk,” he said.
Sources: BERNAMA