Health authorities in Mexico were confused about a set of newborn triplets that was tested positive COVID-19. But strangely, either one of their parents was not infected with the virus.
The triplets, which are two boys and one girl was tested positive last week after four hours being born. They were born in the central state San Luis Potosi.
According to the health authorities, they believed that the mother is an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. But the tests show that she was not infected even the father.
“The parents’ results are negative, which catches our attention,” said the secretary of health for the state, Monica Rangel.
“We specifically requested since yesterday that a group of experts investigates the case,” she added.
Two of the triplets are in good health and no symptoms of the virus. While the other one has pneumonia but is in stable condition. Said Rangel, they will remain hospitalized and under observation.
Source: The Jakarta Post