Since the pandemic started, people have been looking for ways to adapt to this new-normal lifestyle. Cinemas have been places to avoid people who still afraid of the virus to spread. Drive-in cinemas will be in countries that never had one such as Malaysia. While these countries are getting the new transformation, France is having a new way to have enjoy their drive-in theater.
Seine waters in Paris will witness the arrival of a floating movie theater next week. People can enjoy themselves in socially distant boats.
“Le Cinéma sur l’Eau” or “cinema on the water” they called it, will be held on July 18 to mark the start of Paris Plages. It is an annual event organized by the French capital, that creates temporary beaches along the Seine and the Bassin de la Villette during the summer.
Will be filled with 38 electric boats where each one would have 6 people. To make sure that as many people can benefit from this boat-cinema experience, another 150 people will be able to watch from the deckchairs on dry land.
Source: Interesting Engineering