It is well known that the MySejahtera application was set up to provide some information about COVID-19. Not only that, but people can also know more about the disease.
Throughout its introduction to the community, it is said that the apps were very easy to use and the government can also track close contacts through this app.
Recently, this MySejahtera application has been updated to version 1.0.23. People can download and update the application now.
Among the latest functions of this application is ‘history’ which is to be able to see previous records and check-in that can be seen by the user or when requested by the enforcement.
This message from the CPRC Ministry of Health Malaysia, scan the MySejahtera QR Code using the QR Code scanner in the MySejahtera application to see your current checking history.
“Among the latest functions is HISTORY (a record) check-in which can be seen by the user or when requested by the enforcement,” said KKM on Twitter.
Salam sejahtera semua! Versi 1.0.23 #MySejahtera sudah boleh dimuat turun atau dikemaskini.
Sila berbuat demikian secepat mungkin. Antara fungsi terbaru adalah SEJARAH (rekod yang lepas) check in yang boleh dilihat oleh pengguna atau apabila diminta oleh penguatkuasa.
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) July 30, 2020
Imbas Kod QR MySejahtera menggunakan pengimbas Kod QR dalam aplikasi MySejahtera untuk melihat sejarah checkin anda sekarang!
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) July 30, 2020
Source: KKM