The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) through a statement issued by Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah informed that there are 7 cases that have been recovered and allowed to be discharged from the hospital today. This makes the cumulative number of cases recovered and discharged is 8, 978 equivalent to 96.6%.
He also informed that there are 6 new cases of Covid-19 recorded today including 1 import case and 5 local cases. The cumulative number of cases was 9,291 cases with 188 active cases.
Terkini #COVID19Malaysia 26 Ogos
Kes sembuh= 7
Jumlah kes sembuh= 8,978
Kes positif= 6
(kes import=1, kes tempatan=5)
Jumlah positif= 9,291
Kes kematian=0
Jumlah kes kematian= 125
Kes dirawat di ICU= 9
Bantuan Alat Pernafasan= 6— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) August 26, 2020
Out of 5 local cases, it was informed that there were 3 cases from the Tawar cluster in Kedah. According to information from the MOH, intervention measures have been taken to curb COVID-19 in this cluster. Among them is the closure of schools and premises to carry out disinfection and desecration activities.
3 kes baharu di Kluster Tawar hari ini.
Jumlah kes setakat ini; 73.KKM telah ambil langkah intervensi bagi mengekang jangkitan Covid-19 dalam kluster ini termasuk penutupan sekolah dan premis bagi menjalankan aktiviti nyah kuman dan nyah cemar.
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) August 26, 2020
1 kes import BWN dari SingapuraKEDAH – 5
3 kes WN kluster Tawar
1 kes WN SARI
1 kes WN kes saringan bergejala— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) August 26, 2020
He added that no deaths were recorded today and the cumulative number of death cases remained at 125 cases equivalent to 1.35%.
Sources: MOH