Many people must already know about the issue of unclaimed money. But, all of us probably not know how to check it at the Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia (AGD).
Did you know there is an easier way where you can check unclaimed money online?
A special website for unclaimed money called eGumis is now provided by the government to facilitate this issue.
Just follow these simple steps to check your unclaimed money:
1. Visit the the eGumis portal here.
Picture: Public Health Malaysia
2. Register as a user on the eGumis portal. Then, enter the desired info and open the email to confirm the link provided.
Picture: Public Health Malaysia
Picture: Public Health Malaysia
3. After you log in, click on the unclaimed money search section and enter the identity card number (IC) of the individual you want to check.
Picture: Public Health Malaysia
Picture: Public Health Malaysia
there is unclaimed money, you need to download the claim form or can go directly to the office of the Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia for further step.
Source: Public Health Malaysia, eGUMIS