Since the pandemic started, people have been spreading rumors on who is most likely to get infected and tips to avoid COVID-19 that does not even make sense. Once, eating kimchi protects you from COVID-19. Also, there’s a rumor where taller people are more at risk to contract COVID-19.
In a study by experts from the University of Manchester and open University, they did a survey on 2,000 people from the United Kingdom and the United States and found out that people over six feet tall are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with the Covid-19.
However, taller people being higher at risk suggested that the virus also transmits through the air. If the virus were to travel exclusively through droplets, the height would not matter.
Professor Evan Kontopantelis, of the University of Machester “The results of this survey in terms of associations between height and diagnosis, suggest downward droplet transmission is not the only transmission mechanism and aerosol transmission is possible.”
This study however remains unproven as the paper is yet to be published officially by the University. This study can’t be used to guide clinical practice since it hasn’t even been evaluated.
Source: The Telegraph