The Indian traditional costume, saree has been very well-known to the world. It represents the Indian culture and always been associated with a way of life for Indian women.
But what can be more interesting than that is, two women from India proved that sarees can be more than just a costume.
Poornima Kewant and Panchwati decided to use their sarees they had brought to save drowning men. It happened at Chhattisgarh, one of the states in India. They tied the saris to a rod that was lying by the riverbank as the weight.
The incident happened when they were having a bath at Chindbhog village. They suddenly heard the men shouting for help. The three men were being swept by the flooded river at the moment as the current was too fast.
The women make a fast decision to use their sarees for the men to grab when they were battling the fierce current. They hurled the sarees to the men and hauled them in from the river. They managed to save two men while another man was being swept away for several kilometers. His body was found only two days after the incident.
Anuradha Agrawal, Pathariya sub-divisional magistrate said that the act of these two women shows the great presence of mind in them. Some wouldn’t think of putting a rod to make sure the saris can be grabbed by the men. They deserve appreciation, add Agrawal.
During the incident, a woman ran to call for other villagers, but the men managed to be safe before the villagers arrived. In the past few days, three deaths have been recorded in Mungeli district because of the flooded river.