A total of 237 travelers returning to Malaysia have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 since the mandatory quarantine order was reintroduced, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported.
Through a statement on Twitter, MOH confirmed most of them had just returned from India, the Philippines, Indonesia and Yemen.
“A total of 237 travelers returning to Malaysia were found to be positive for COVID-19 since the mandatory quarantine order was re-introduced starting July 24,” said MOH.
“Most of them arrived from India, the Philippines, Indonesia and Yemen. 216 or 91% of them do not have symptoms, “added MOH.
Following that, the entry of Long Term Pass Holders is no longer allowed for the 23 countries that recorded more than 150,000 COVID19 cases.
“However, this restriction does not involve Malaysians. The list of countries involved will be updated from time to time, ”continued MOH.
Seramai 237 pengembara yang pulang ke Malaysia didapati positif #COVID19 sejak perintah wajib kuarantin diperkenalkan semula bermula 24 Julai.
Sebahagian besar mereka ini tiba dari India, Filipina, Indonesia dan Yaman.
216 atau 91% mereka ini tidak bergejala. pic.twitter.com/GF8Wtk3Owf
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) September 9, 2020
Bermula 7 Sept, kemasukan Pemegang Pas Jangka Masa Panjang tidak lagi dibenarkan melibatkan 23 negara yang merekodkan lebih 150,000 kes #COVID19.
Sekatan ini bagaimanapun tidak melibatkan rakyat Malaysia.
Senarai negara terlibat akan dikemas kini dari semasa ke semasa.
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) September 9, 2020
Source: MOH