SINGAPORE, Sept 29 — Singapore has preliminarily confirmed 27 new cases of COVID-19 infection in the past 24 hours, including nine imported cases.
In a brief data released here today, the republic’s Ministry of Health (MOH) said all the imported cases had all been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
Meanwhile, the ministry said there was one case in the community involving a work pass holder.
With the latest developments, the total number of infections in the republic has reached 57,742.
The ministry said it was still working through the details of the cases and further updates would be issued tonight.
In the full data released late last night, the ministry said two community cases reported yesterday involved Malaysians, both work pass holders and aged 26.
MOH said Case 57847, who went to work at Changi Airport was tested as part of its proactive screening of workers in essential services living outside the dormitories.
Case 57861, meanwhile, had been identified as a household contact of Case 57847.
As of Sept 28, there are 887 cases involving long-term and work pass holders here and categorized under community cases.
So far, the MOH has classified 1,052 of the reported cases as imported, 2,247 as community cases, and 54,416 involving dorm residents.
The ministry said 57,393 cases had fully recovered and discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.
A total of 36 confirmed cases remain hospitalized but none in the intensive care unit.
Meanwhile, 259 patients who have mild symptoms or clinically well but still tested positive for COVID-19 have been isolated and being cared for at community facilities.
To date, 27 people have died from complications due to COVID-19 in the republic with the first two deaths reported on March 21.
While no new clusters were identified yesterday, three clusters were closed namely Changi Lodge II; as well as two dorms at 35 Kian Teck Way; and 66 Tech Park Crescent.
Sources: BERNAMA