A mysterious radio station called MDZhB has been broadcasting for nearly four decades, but no one ever claimed to operate it.
Operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week since 1982, MDZhB (pronounced ‘MJB’) has been broadcasting a dull, monotonous tone followed by a second foghorn-like sound every few seconds.
Once in a while, about once or twice a week, someone will also utter some random phrase in Rusian, like “dinghy” or “farming specialist”, and the droning sound returns. This mystery of MDZhB has fascinated radio enthusiasts around the world for centuries, and theories regarding its purpose range from n nuclear war triggering device, in order to communicate with aliens. So far non has been able to crack the mystery of this radio station.
Things that people know about MDZhB are that it is emitting out of two locations in Russia, one of them is in the area of St. Petersburg and another in Moscow. The radio operates at a relatively low frequency known as ‘shortwaves’ that travel long distances, so virtually anyone in the world can listen to it by only tuning a radio to the frequency 4625 kHz.
MDZhB is the most exciting radio station to listen to, but radio and conspiracy theory enthusiasts have dedicated years to listening to the droning sound of this station and the occasion random phrase, and many have formulated their own theories about its purpose to operate.
A popular theory about this radio is that MDZhB, also known as “The Buzzer”, is a means of communication with a network of illicit Russian spies all around the world. As apart from the short phrases uttered by a male or female voice, there’s nothing but droning sounds. A more intriguing explanation is that the droning is just a marker to stop people from using it, and the station only truly comes alive in moments of crisis, to instruct Russia’s spy network and its military.
Source: Oddity Central