Up until today, it is recorded that there are 24 million cases of people infected by COVID-19 globally. From these cases, about 822 thousand deaths have been reported.
COVID-19 has affected more than 213 countries in the world. Many researchers are conducting new studies and researches on this pandemic to discover the hidden mechanism of the coronavirus.
Recently, a few researchers are doing a study to look at male and female immune responses to coronavirus. This study can give proof of why men are more likely to be seriously ill with COVID-19.
Scientists discovered earlier during the pandemic that older men are at a higher risk of dying from the virus than women of similar age.
A new study is conducted to look at whether differences in the immune system can be the reason why about 60% of deaths because of the virus are from men.
Akiko Iwasaki, a professor at Yale University who is also the study’s lead author stated that men and women develop different types of immune responses to the virus. Because of this, the author said that this can be a reason why men and women need different treatments to treat for coronavirus.
However, the study has limitations. The researchers conducted the study with small sample size and a high average age of the patients. Eleanor Riley, a professor at the University of Edinburgh said that treatments on COVID-19 should be tailored to each patient.
Source: sciencealert.com