Social media is sometimes a place for parents to show off their children’s talents, especially those who are still young. The same goes for a picture and video that went viral recently.
A post on Instagram went viral and got various reactions from social media users after it featured a 6-month-old baby doing water-skiing activities.
The moment uploaded by his father, Casey Humpreys on September 13 shows how he made a special surfing board for his son, Rich Casey Humpreys.
The same post also shows the face of his son who is happy doing water-skiing.
Although Rich’s talent has been praised by many, there are still those who criticize the way his parents did.
It is said that such activities are dangerous for the young Rich by saying it is like child abuse.
But according to Mirror UK, Casey and his wife Mindi say that their son enjoys the sport and is advanced for his age. In fact, he has practiced to take up water-skiing, with Casey and Mindi helping him practice in the lounge.
“He was able to stand on his own at three months and shortly after started pulling himself up onto furniture,” Mindi said.
“We work very hard on his posture when he crawls and stands so that he stays healthy based on recommendations from his paediatrician,” she added.
They also say that a lot of preparation and safety precautions were done for Rich’s fun and they would never put him in danger.
Source: Casey Humpreys, Hindustan Times, Mirror UK