Japan has come up with a lot of creative and also functional innovation through its creation. They definitely got a lot of ideas on what to create especially during the specific type of situation. Recently, they have manufactured a brand new style of vending machine that only need the usage of the foot to get all the selected kind of beverages.
A particular Japanese beverage company that is famously known as DyDo has innovatively introduced a brand new system to buy canned and also bottles beverages. This creation is solely aimed to keep your hand perfectly clean when you buying beverages with a specific machine that is effectively operated fully by using only your own foot.
This invention got approved to be conceptualized because of the arising awareness from many people in Japan about the Covid-19 Pandemic situation. By using this particular invention, everyone does not have to become worried anymore about touching the button that probably got infected with a lot of germs or even is one of the victims of Covid-19 highly dangerous infection. Now, it is safer for many people to just touch the button by using the covered foot.
The design used for this innovation is pretty simple because it works similarly to a normal vending machine. It has numerous three-tiered corresponding buttons situated at the bottom of the machine instead of the sides like a normal one. That is the main feature of this creative foot-operated vending machine.
The innovative design of this machine is not only limited to the buttons you press, but it also has a safety feature where you can collect your drink just by using a foot pedal. This foot pedal could also allow you to open a plastic door and reach for your drink. By doing it this way, you do not have to touch anything with your hands hence you are safe.
Sources: Sora News 24.