In Malaysia, new mothers are entitled to a minimum leave of 60 days (2 months) from the date of delivery. However, there are some companies that generously give employees 90-120 days off.
The following are the lists of countries with the longest leave according to a Business Insider report.
1. Lithuania
Mothers in Lithuania can take 18 weeks off (4 and a half months) paid in full, fathers are given 4 weeks off. Then they are given an additional leave of 39 months to share until the child is 2 years old.
2. Hungary
In Hungary, mothers can take 6 months off paid for 70%. This leave can start as early as 4 weeks from the expected date of delivery. The father was given a week’s paid leave. After maternity leave, parents can take an additional 39 months’ leave that can be shared along with a 70% payment of salary.
3. Norway
According to Business Insider, the Norwegian government is well known for its very flexible policies and for maintaining the harmony of people’s lives. Mothers in this Scandinavian country can choose maternity leave for 35 weeks (8 months or more) to be paid in full or 45 weeks for 80% salary.
4. Estonia
Mothers in Estonia are given 140 days off (4 months more) paid a full salary which can be taken as early as 30-70 days before the due date. The fathers were given 2 weeks off. After maternity leave, both parents are given an additional 14 months’ leave to be shared along with the average salary paid.
5. Belgium
The Belgian government provides leave of up to 15 weeks (3 months more) for mothers who give birth. In the first 30 days, a child is born, they are paid 80% of their salary and 75% for the rest of the leave.
They also have the option to take part-time leave for 8 months if they do not want to use continuous leave for 15 weeks. According to Business Insider, the father received 10 days off and 3 days paid 100%. The remaining 7 days will be paid 82% if completed within 4 months.
In the first 30 days, a child is born, they are paid 80% of their salary and 75% for the rest of the leave. They also have the option to take part-time leave for 8 months if they do not want to use continuous leave for 15 weeks.
According to Business Insider, the father received 10 days off and 3 days paid 100%. The remaining 7 days will be paid 82% if completed within 4 months. So it is not surprising that the above countries have some of the best policies in the world.
Source: Business Insider