Established in 1991 and headquartered in Malaysia, Top Glove Corporation Bhd is the world’s largest manufacturer of gloves. What started as only a local business enterprise with 1 factory and 1 glove production line, has today captured 26% of the world market share for rubber gloves.
The company has manufacturing operations in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. It also has marketing offices in these countries as well as the USA, Germany, and Brazil and exports to over 2,000 customers in 195 countries worldwide.
Recently, the company has been gaining a huge profit from the COVID-19 spread, with gloves being essential protection.
Syed Saddiq has spoken about the truth that Top Glove has been concealing – the root of the Teratai cluster that has to send positive COVID-19 cases up through the roof for the country.
Kenyataan saya berkenaan Top Glove, Kluster Teratai dan Windfall Tax.
Prioriti saya adalah kepada rakyat, bukan syarikat-syarikat besar dan kaya.#Belanjawan2021
— Syed Saddiq 🇲🇾🌺 (@SyedSaddiq) November 23, 2020
Source: Twitter @Syed Saddiq