PUTRAJAYA, Dec 31 —The war to curb the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, and the battle is getting tougher as it requires the integration of the people and Health Ministry (MOH) to fight the pandemic effectively.
Health director-general, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the efforts of MOH in containing COVID-19 transmission in the country would continue and public health facilities have so far been able to take on the pandemic.
He was speaking at the launch of a coffee book titled “The Fight Against Uncertainty : Hospital Services Journey In Combating COVID-19”, which was conducted virtually here today.
While wishing all Malaysians a happy new year, Dr Noor Hisham again reminded the people to comply with the standard operating procedure (SOP) such as observing physical distancing, wearing face mask, washing hands frequently and avoiding crowded places while gathering with the family to welcome the new year.
“If possible, do not gather, and if need be, there should not be more than 10 persons and adhere to MOH SOP,” he said in the ceremony which was also attended by Health deputy director-general (Medical), Datuk Dr Rohaizat Yon.
Dr Noor Hisham also thanked all MOH staff, frontliners as well as media personnel for jointly combating COVID-19 for one year.
“The battle is a mentally and physically tiring for MOH staff and the people. We have not won and hope in 2021 we could break COVID-19 infection chain in the country with the cooperation of the people,” he said.
On the coffee table book, Dr Noor Hisham said it is a meaningful publication as it recounts the journey of the frontliners in fighting the disease over the year which could be shared with the future generation.
Published by the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) Hospital Service, Medical Programme, the 158-page book is compilation of articles and photographs on the battle against COVID-19 pandemic thus far.
A total of 350 copies were printed with contribution from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and they would be distributed to MOH, state health directors as well as other ministries and agencies, universities and the Association of Private Hospital of Malaysia (APHM).
Members of the public can read the coffee table book by surfing MOH official website.