For all Pokémon lovers out there – you can finally have your own Poke Ball! The Pokémon Company has collaborated with British prop makers to make the first-ever die-cast Poke Ball replica.
The sensors that are in the ball could catch your hand’s proximity and touch, the closer you get, the brighter the light illuminates.
The Wand Company, famous for its electronic Harry Potter-like wand in 2009 that could change TV channels and tracks on phones has uploaded a video on Youtube showing the Poke Ball. Being functional, it serves our wizardly fantasies at the same time.
The Poke Ball can glow with the presence of a hand, then the glow strengthening when it is held.
Even the cast itself glows as the lid is lifted to display the ball, holding all its glory. From what we know of the Pokémon series where they throw their Poke Balls to try to release or capture Pokémon, this one shouldn’t be done the same way, unfortunately.
The Wand Company’s Poké Ball, while not as capable as its wand, still boasts the ability to glow when in the presence of a hand. The glow—which emanates from the Poke Ball’s button—also strengthens when it’s actually held. Which makes it sort of like Sting from Lord of the Rings, only instead of glowing around orcs, it does so when near we sweet-meat bags.
All of the other accouterment common for collectibles is also present on these Poké balls. The balls each have a unique authentication hologram, for example. As well as a stainless steel display ring.
2021 will be the 25th anniversary for this iconic franchise, so if you are a die-hard fan, you should definitely get it – either for yourself or as a present for anyone.
Source: Nerdist, NintendoWire, The Wand Company