Recently, netizens were shocked by the circulation of a video showing a dinosaur being unloaded from a truck and being tamed by several people. One of the videos featuring the dinosaurs can be seen on the Twitter account All About Magetan which was uploaded on Monday.
In the video, the location seems to be in Mojosemi Forest Park, Magetan, East Java. Until Tuesday morning, the All About Magetan video upload had received 2,000 likes and 1,000 retweets. The people on the internet also did not miss enlivening the video upload in the replies section.
Everyone had wondered whether the dinosaurs were real or not. Regarding the video, contacted Mojosemi Forest Park in Magetan, East Java. The manager of Mojosemi Forest Park, Magetan, Nanang Sedayu said the video was taken on Monday and is located in Mojosemi Forest Park.
Sedayu said the video was a promotion from the management to introduce a new vehicle at the tourist spot, namely Mojosemi Dinosaurus Park.
“It is part of our promo. Inside (Mojosemi Forest Park) there is a new work, Dinosaur Park, which has several kinds of dinosaurs in it, including the one we sent down yesterday,” said Sedayu. He said, in the park, there are 15-20 species of dinosaurs on display to visitors.
Sedayu also said the Dinosaur Park has been open since the beginning of 2019. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of visitors who came has drastically reduced. “So, hopefully, this pandemic will soon pass, hopefully, it can be crowded again,” said Sedayu.
Responding to netizens’ curiosity about the authenticity of the dinosaurs in the video, Sedayu said that this was an attempt by the manager to present dinosaurs as real.
“We made it as close to the original as possible, and it was the work of local people too,” said Sedayu.
He said the dinosaurs were locally made machines, not imported from abroad or from the Jurassic Park film studio.
“In the past when we did import the materials, we studied them. Once we found them, we produced it ourselves,” added Sedayu.
Dinosurus e wis teko Mojosemi
— All About Magetan (@magetanbanget) December 14, 2020
Ada T-Rex dan Berbagai Dinosaurus lainnya di Mojosemi Dinosaurus Park
— All About Magetan (@magetanbanget) December 14, 2020
Selain bisa melihat berbagai jenis Dinosaurue, kamu bisa juga menikmati udara yg dingin dan rindangnya pepohonan
— All About Magetan (@magetanbanget) December 15, 2020
Source: All About Magetan, Kompas