One of the popular characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki is the villain in the movie The Avengers and is also the adopted brother of Thor. The role of Loki was played by an English actor named Tom Hiddleston.
He wants to dominate the world in alliance with Thanos in the first Avengers movie. Although not appeared in the sequel that is Avengers: Age Of Ultron, it is said that Loki’s scene has been cut even though his Scepter stick played a big role in the film.
Yesterday, Marvel Studios has shared the latest developments for all their upcoming programs, especially for the Disney+ network.
However, the most popular and Marvel loyal fan is Loki’s exclusive clip that will air on Disney + streaming site soon. The series will be coming in May 2021.
This clip has already received over 48,000 likes on Youtube. This clip is a continuation of the scene in the movie Avengers: Endgame where Loki uses the Tessaract stone to escape and has been taken to a ‘new world’.