Many people in this whole wide world think that if you want to be beautiful, the first thing is to have white skin. So it is actually not a surprising thing that some people are willing to do anything just to be white and also look beautiful. Some of the examples that people are willing to do would be to take an unrecognized drip whitening product.
Just like a particular video that went viral on the TikTok app. The video is from a TikTok profile named ‘eylaamazlan’. It shows a girl that is said to have taken various types of whitening drips, causing her to be hospitalized due to organ damage in the body.
@eylaamazlanSebagai peringatan bersama dekat luar sana. benda dah jadi depan mata . jaga diri okay .
Through the posted video, Eylaa Mazlan told about her patients who are now struggling to survive as a result of often taking drip whitening products from Japan. She was too obsessed to be white until she was willing to spend a lot of money to buy whitening drips at Shopee.
Eylaa Mazlan said, “Patient took these things just to look beautiful, ended up harming herself, and was struggling to survive. She is still young. I am so afraid as I witness multiorgan failure in front of my eyes. Now she is on dialysis”. She also added: “She is so brave to be willing to take these products even though she cannot understand a word what is written on it, make this a lesson my friends. The patient was unconscious, now relying on respiratory assistance. Don’t be obsessed with being white”.
She also hopes that everyone could pray for her well-being.
Sources: TikTok eylaamazlan