MCO has certainly restricted our movement. Working from home has now become the new normal for some of us, leaving our cars potentially useless. Especially, since eating outside and meeting with friends is now a risky move, plus vacation is a big no-no. Food, groceries, and shopping items can now be delivered right to our doorstep, making going outside almost pointless.
However, what about our cars? Just because traveling is not encouraged doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared for the future. Plus, cars need some love too. Taking care of them during lockdown is absolutely vital and negligence during this time can also lead to long-term damage and cost more money to fix.
To save your car and purse strings here are ways to maintain your car especially during the lockdown.
1. Use the gear instead of the handbrake
It is parking 101 that we put the handbrake on for parking. But long-term parking with a handbrake on could lead to mechanical complications. Keeping the handbrake on for prolonged periods of time might jam it up. We’ve all been thought to always use the handbrake while parking, yes, that’s parking 101. Instead, use the gear-lock, and specifically the reverse gear.
2. Protect the exteriors
Whether your car is blessed with a roof over its head or under the scorching Malaysian sun and heavy rain, you should invest in a good car cover. This helps in protecting your car from the harsh heat, keeping it clean, protecting the paint from micro-scratches, and avoiding bird poop. It might be annoying to put on and take it off but this habit will benefit your car in the long run.
3. Do a routine battery and oil check
This is one of the more important pieces of advice. Keeping a plugged-in battery on an idle vehicle will drain it out. To prevent this, start your car twice a week, place it in neutral, and gently accelerate. Doing so will heat up the oils and circulate it through the engine, maintaining its viscosity. However, if you can’t manage this, then disconnect the battery from its terminal. If you can’t do it yourself, ask an expert for help, namely your brother, father, any other men or women, or a neighborhood mechanic.
4. Take a small trip around the block
The movement might be limited right now, but it is still necessary. Make a short trip in your neighborhood or just around the parking lot to simply keep your car active. Like a comatose patient, their ‘feet’ also still need movement and physiotherapy. This will benefit your tires. Staying idle for too long actually puts pressure on only one part of the tire tube and could lead to damage.
5. Check the electrical
After a long hiatus, your window slider might be slower, your wipers seem weaker and certain lights aren’t turning on. A stationary car for too long might attract animals and might mess with the wiring. It’s always advisable to periodically check your car’s electrical and invest in an anti-rodent solution.
6. Conscious air cleansing
When you turn on your air-conditioner after a while you might get a funny smell. After long periods of no use, benzene, tend to accumulate which isn’t something you want to inhale. So, blast your air-conditioner and lower the windows for about 15 minutes after starting your car. The gush of the fan and the ventilation should clear up the cabin.
Source: Lifestyle