There are actually so many different reasons why anime is considered to be one of the best action shows that have ever been made in this whole wide world. One of it would definitely be the weirdly exaggerated anime abilities and also signature moves that come with the territory. These signature moves that will usually bring us on the edge of our seat when we watch any action anime. Since anime action shows have existed for so many years, there are also so many signature moves that have been made throughout those years.
Every anime action movie has its own signature moves from different characters in it. All the signature moves bring their own criteria and also powerful effect to the show. Unfortunately, there are also some signature moves that just not got executed really well. Because of that, it is easy to identify which signature moves bring the most impact on the storyline of the anime action shows. These are 5 of the examples.
1) Saitama’s Serious Punch

Picture: High Tech Brain
In One-Punch Man, after doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run everyday for a year-and-a-half, Saitama gained the ability to just beat anybody with a single punch. This has come to mean giants, advanced robots, hyper-evolved mutants, world-ending meteors, and intergalactic conquerors. With his slightly more powerful variant, Serious Punch, Saitama unleashes a knockout hit that can clear the entire sky and damage a near-immortal being past their regenerative abilities.
2) Goku’s Spirit Bomb

Son Goku has a technique that not only devastates his intergalactic enemies but can also unify the whole world. Though the Kamehameha is more synonymous with Goku, his go-to for exceptionally powerful beings is the Spirit Bomb. By summoning the unified energy of the planet and, if necessary, the universe, Goku is able to wield a giant ball of energy that will obliterate his enemy. Even without all the destruction, the visual of the giant, glowing ball, and people across the world raising their arms for Goku is already a powerful sight.
3) Ichigo’s Getsuga Tenshō

Picture: DeviantArt
A lot of modern anime fans got a bulk of their Japanese vocabulary from Bleach‘s signature moves. At the forefront of that education is Ichigo Kurosaki who’s iconic Getsuga Tenshō scared middle school bullies everywhere. With it, Ichigo delivered an incredible slash capable of dicing entire buildings and giving more than a few scratches to some of the supernatural world’s most powerful.
4) Naruto’s Rasenshuriken

Picture: YouTube
As the Hokage-in-making, Naruto Uzumaki had to develop a power worthy of beating any foe. As such, he evolved his father’s own Rasengan into the even more powerful Rasen shuriken. In its base form, the rasenshuriken is able to destroy its opponents at the molecular level, i.e. if it hits, they’re dead. The Rasen shuriken, however, is capable of being fused with a variety of elements between fire and tailed-beast energy to create an even more devastating path of destruction.
5) Luffy’s King Kong Gun

Picture: CBR
In Luffy’s case, he ate the Gum-Gum Fruit which allows him to stretch and extend his body to epic proportions. While in his Gear Fourth form, he’s able to blow an extraordinary amount of air into one of his arms. Fusing the power of air pressure, rubber, and anime strength, he’s able to unleash a punch so powerful that it can single-handedly level an entire city.