When the Covid-19 virus started the global pandemic, people have been looking for new ways to stay entertained at home. Be it painting, needlework or just a simple meditation. Anything that can maintain our sanity, instead of just binge-watching television and eat all day.
Making yourself busy with new hobbies is good for your mental health and reducing stress since we can’t go out on a new adventure until the world is safe without the deadly virus.
Here are 6 hobbies for you to try during quarantine:
1) Learn a language
Knowledge is power. So, there is no excuse for you not to go out of your comfort zone and learn a new language. There are many online applications that you can choose from, for example, Duolingo. It offers 21 different languages for you to master!
If you are not too keen on using applications, YouTube is only a click away. There are a lot more ways for you to start learning the basic words of a foreign language. All you need to do is look for it.
2) Knitting
A hobby that is a little bit old-school but good for your brain for its repetitive nature. Knitting tools aren’t something you can find laying around but there is always a shop that can deliver to your doorstep.
As for the tutorial, head up to YouTube. There are tips and tricks, videos for beginners, and everything you need to know about your yarn or crochet needle. In no time, you will find a knitted scarf hanging in your wardrobe.
3) Play an instrument
Learning how to play any instrument is not that hard as there are a lot of tutorials and classes offered online.
Other than online school, there are also online musical classes for people who really want to fill up their time with useful hobbies. Not only that it’s using up your pastime wisely but the beat of the music will also calm you.
4) Yoga
From Youtube to applications like Glo, there are many ways you can find for you to start your daily yoga practice in your living room. This might be the easiest hobby you can pick up as all you need are your body and a guide! No extra tools needed.
It could help with freshening up your body after a long day at home.
5) Gardening
If your front yard is empty, why not pick up some gardening tools and start digging up soils to plant anything that can liven up the air?
A single click on Google can give you information on how to look after your green friends, keep your soil healthy and suitable for the type of plants, and attract some new wildlife into your back or front yard. When the garden grows to be healthy, your hard work will be paid off. In addition, you’ll have a new favorite space while you’re staying safe at home.
6) Meditation
Meditation is one of the easy hobbies. It doesn’t take up a lot of time, it does not need any tool at all but at the same time, it is beneficial for your entire body, spirit, and mind.
Meditation requires a lot of patience, discipline, and patience. However, it is worth the effort once your mind is in peace.