There are actually so many musicians in Indonesia who are very talented and also often produce famous works. Even their fame is equal abroad. One of the countries that truly love the work of Indonesian musicians would be none other than Malaysia. According to them, Indonesian musicians have qualities and characteristics.
Not infrequently the songs of Indonesian musicians occupy the top charts in Malaysia. Having a language that is almost the same as Indonesia, makes music lovers in Malaysia also like to listen to Indonesian songs. These are 5 Indonesian songs that are such hits here in Malaysia as well.
1) Ria Resti Fauzi – Cintaku Sampai Ke Ethiopia
2) Nike Ardilla- Bintang Kehidupan
3) Desy Ratnasari – Tenda Biru
4) Krisdayanti – Menghitung Hari
5) Sheila On 7 – Sephia
Sources: YouTube Cintaku Sampai Ke Ethiopia, YouTube Bintang Kehidupan, YouTube Tenda Biru, YouTube Menghitung Hari, YouTube Sephia.