There are indeed so many Malaysian songs that are so worthy to listen to. This is because Malaysia truly has had some amazing musicians representing the Malaysian music scene since forever. These famous musicians got their own inspirations to produce their well-known songs from so many different aspects and also perspectives.
Some of their source of inspiration would be from another song that got produced by other musicians. Honestly, both of the versions of the songs are such great songs to enjoy too. These are 5 famous Malaysian songs and also the original versions of the songs.
1) Aku Masih Setia VS It’s Not Good-Bye
2) Tak Sanggup VS Something’s Gotten Hold of My Heart
3) Malaysian Boy VS American Boy
4) Kembali Senyum VS Lee Gyeong-seop
5) Khayalan VS Fantasy
Sources: Aku Masih Setia, Tak Sanggup, Malaysian Boy, Kembali Senyum, Khayalan.