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Mother’s Day Banned In North Korea? Here’s Why!

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea, has been one of the most secretive governments in the world for decades. Its administration does not welcome visitors from outside the nation who want to learn more about what is going on. It shares a border with South Korea, and the two nations have had a strained relationship for many years.

More than 25 million people reside in North Korea, which is governed by a kind of communist government that tightly regulates all aspects of everyday life. People must obtain permission to go about, and outsiders find it difficult to enter the nation. All televisions and radios are set to state stations, and anyone who listens to foreign transmissions is subjected to severe punishment. Because of these restrictions, most North Koreans may have little or no knowledge of international events or how the rest of the world views their country.

With that said, did you know that in 2017, Mother’s Day was banned? Almost every country celebrated Mother’s Day as a way to show their appreciation to mothers But not North Korea. The reason Mother’s Day was not allowed to be celebrated is that it was diverting residents’ attention away from Kim Jong-Un, the country’s leader.

North Koreans cannot express their gratitude to their lovely moms on “Mother Day” since such gestures are reserved for North Korea’s leaders. Mothers must work hard to develop decent individuals in their children, and if sacrifices are required, they must make them. However, in North Korea, even thanking mothers with a bouquet is prohibited.

Here are some things you should know.

1. No ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’

Picture: Forbes

Because it violates the importance of cult-of-personality donations of flower baskets in front of pictures of former North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the authorities have begun limiting the practice of adding ribbons expressing a “thank you” or “I love you.” Unfortunately, people are required to praise ‘the father,’ Kim Jong Un, for all he accomplishes, but we are unable to honor our own moms on Mother’s Day.

2. Celebration of Mother’s Day

Picture: Engadget

When Kim Jong Un took power, he introduced Mother’s Day. The 16th of November was proclaimed a national holiday in 2012. This day commemorates the anniversary of North Korea’s first leader, Kim Il Sung, giving a speech titled “The Duty of Mothers in the Education of Children” in 1961. On this day, people would buy clothes for their mothers with their hard-earned money, while youngsters would save money from part-time jobs and give their moms winter gloves. Not only that, on this day, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un delivered a gift box to the country’s Women Socialist Union of Korea, which included cosmetics, chocolates, cookies, and alcoholic beverages.

3. Myth of gender equality

Picture: Modern Diplomacy

By celebrating Mother’s Day, North Korea tries to show gender equality but is it so? Here’s the thing, have you ever seen Kim Jong Un’s mother or wife in public? Or have you noticed any females working in the government and political sector? Women are still considered a minority in the country. Almost no position has a woman in it or is led by one. Men make up the military as well. However, the leader’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, has been nominated to a high-ranking party post, but she will not be a danger to him due to her gender.

4. Life of ordinary women in North Korea

Picture: Pinterest

Ordinary North Korean women face discrimination, are intimidated, are denied employment, are malnourished, and are exploited. As a result, some people leave the nation in search of a better life.

Despite the world celebrating and appreciating mothers on Mother’s Day, some countries like North Korea don’t own the privileges to do so. Hence, we should be thankful that we live in a country follows a democratic system, putting the people’s need first.

Sources: The North-Eastern Chronicle

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