The name ‘Dalgona’ has recently become famous all over the world. The word is actually under which it is most popularly known, comes from Korean. It usually translates roughly to “it’s sweet” and is also the name used for a honeycomb toffee snack sold by street vendors in Korea, which the sweet foam of the drink is said to recall.
There are actually a lot more recipes that can be done by using these ‘Dalgona’ ingredients. Many people in this whole wide world would definitely think of Dalgona Coffee right away when they are talking about Dalgona. Little did many people know, many things could really taste delicious by using ‘Dalgona’, and the recipes to make them are simple.
1) Dalgona Coffee

Picture: Insanely Good Recipes
Because Dalgona Coffee is made up of equal parts water, coffee, and also sugar, Dalgona Coffee tastes like a really sweet cup of coffee. The particular whip has a very smooth texture, almost like a meringue.
2) Dalgona Candy

Picture: Food Network
Dalgona Candy is actually sugar melted and also whipped with a little bit of baking soda so it puffs up, and you can eat it by itself. It doesn’t taste like coffee at all, which makes sense because there is no coffee in it.
3) Dalgona Cake

Picture: Times Now
The cake itself is a dense, yet still fluffy texture with a buttery, vanilla flavor. The whole cake has a thick layer of cinnamon sugar filling baked in the middle, which, with the addition of flour, stays thick and doesn’t melt into the cake, which is amazing.
4) Dalgona Ice Cream

Picture: The Vegan Harvest
It is called Dalgona ice cream because that is what it is. This is one of the easiest coffee desserts to make. Coffee flavored desserts are one of many people favorite ways to indulge.
5) Dalgona Matcha

Picture: Hip Foodie Mom
Dalgona matcha tastes like matcha milk but with a thick and creamy airy texture that’s velvety and rich. It’s sweet and has a nice hit of matcha
Sources: Home Grounds, Hummingbird High.