A wedding ceremony is definitely one of the most enjoyable moments that every family would experience in their own life. This is because this is the particular ceremony that brings family members together and helps to strengthen the bond that the family has. Added with certain traditions practiced in some places, the experience just got better.
That is what happened in this particular video that went viral on the TikTok app recently. In the video, it can be seen that all the family members are enjoying such a funny moment together after their own wedding ceremony is held. They funnily splash other people there with water especially the married couple and everyone is having a great time.
@fizakecik92♬ Selamat Pengantin Baru – Anita Sarawak
The video was posted by a TikTok account named Fiza Kecik and she stated in the comments section that this is actually a very important tradition practiced in Melaka every time there is a wedding ceremony. It is actually not a weird thing for them to do that to other people in the wedding ceremony. Such an enjoyable ceremony to go to.
Looking at the comments section, there are a lot of netizens that also have the same experience as this one during their previous wedding ceremony. Some netizens might see it as something new but they also find it interesting.

Picture: TikTok Fiza Kecik

Picture: TikTok Fiza Kecik

Picture: TikTok Fiza Kecik

Picture: TikTok Fiza Kecik

Picture: TikTok Fiza Kecik
Sources: TikTok Fiza Kecik.