An emergency bag is a bag that you filled with basic tools and also supplies prepared as an aid to survival in any emergency that you might have to face. For those who might not know, civil and military aircraft, lifeboats, and also spacecraft are always equipped with an emergency bag. Emergency bags, in a variety of sizes, contain supplies and tools to provide a survivor with basic shelter against the elements, help them to keep warm, meet basic health and first aid needs, provide food and water, signal to rescuers, and assist in finding the way back to help. So helpful.
For people that might be new in this and to have their own emergency bag, they might not know what to have in their own emergency bag. Worry not because there is a video by @edryie.tasha that got posted on TikTok recently mentioning the basic necessities of any emergency bag. Take note of all the items needed and make sure to prepare yourself one too.
These are some of the things that you might want to have in any emergency bag that you want to keep for future use.
1) Identification Card
This might be one of the most important items that you should have in your own emergency bag. Losing your own identification card in a natural disaster might cause even worse trouble for you in the future. That is why you have to make sure that your identification card is always with you all the time and also safe.
2) Birth Certificate And Important Documents
These types of documents contain everything that is important going on in your own life. Losing it might make your life more difficult than it is at that time. Make sure you have already kept your birth certificate and also important documents safely.
3) Waterproof Wallet
During any natural disaster including flood especially, you might find yourself in a very wet situation because of the rising water and many other factors. That is why it is very important for you to have a waterproof wallet inside your emergency bag so that your money, identification card, and others are dry and safe when you keep it.
4) Waterproof Bag
A waterproof bag could help to protect all of your items such as cable, handphone, and many others in your own emergency bag to stay dry and also safe from the water.
5) Powerbank Solar
Choose a power bank that could be charged using solar energy. This could really help to give battery to your phone when there is no outlet that you can use to charge your phone.
6) Emergency Mobile Phone
Have a mobile phone that the battery could last for a very long time so that you could use this particular phone during an emergency if your phone runs out of battery.
7) Clothes That Easily Dry
The clothes in your emergency bag do not have to be fancy. Yoga pants and a t-shirt or sweatshirt, depending on the season, are fine. If you are parents of young children, include outfits for your kids plus diapers if needed.
8) Sanitary Pad
This item is very important for every woman to store in their own emergency bag.
9) Toiletries
Even though you are in a situation of natural disaster, make sure to keep yourself clean so that you will be more comfortable and do not feel dirty all the time.
10) Life Jacket
A life jacket is very important for every member of your family to have. If you ever got stranded at a place with high water levels, a life jacket would be very helpful.
11) First Aid Kit
A good first aid kit should include Band-aids, Neosporin, ace bandage and clips, vinyl gloves, alcohol swabs, and a thermometer as the bare necessities. It’s easier to buy a self-contained kit than to try to put one together yourself.
12) Whistle
This could help you to ask for help.
13) Canned Food
Canned food can be stored for a very long time. So, it is suitable for you to have some canned foods in your own emergency bag.
14) Mineral Water
You can easily get clean water easily if you already stored some mineral water in your emergency bag. Whether you’re using it to hydrate, wash a sticky toddler, or use it as a coolant for your car, you don’t know when or where you’ll need it but odds are you will need it.
15) Flashlight
In a pinch, you can use your phone as a flashlight, but you’ll drain your battery quickly. An LED flashlight is small, lightweight, and incredibly useful. Pack one in your emergency bag and you won’t be sorry.
Sources: TikTok edryie.tasha.