Nowadays, people are willing to do anything that they are capable of so that they would have an extra income for themselves. This is because it is indeed so hard to survive in this world with the price for so many necessary items are going up if you do not have any extra income for your own selves. Some people would like to earn their income in the form of passive income because they might have a greater passion for doing it that way and better for them to do.
For those who might not know and are also interested in gaining some passive income, there are actually so many things that you can do. One of them would be to earn passive income through using the internet. It is indeed so possible to be done and it is not that hard but it actually needs some effort from you in the early stages of the process.
Macam mana nak buat ‘pasif income’ di Internet?
Its possible. Tak susah tapi perlukan effort di peringkat awal.
Dalam thread ni, saya explain 10 steps buat pasif income, based on my own case study.
Nak tahu? Jom!
*RT supaya ramai dpt belajar sekali.
— HAFIZ AZMAN (@hafizazman_co) January 25, 2022
If you wanted to learn how you can gain passive income on the internet, these are the 10 steps that you should do:
1) Brainstorm Niche
This is a very important step because this is how you can really know what you are into. Make a detailed list of your own knowledge, experience, network, and also interests. Other than that, it could also be something that you are trying to learn or even what you are studying at the moment. Make sure to brainstorm as many categories as you can ever think about. To make it easier, you can list all of them in a Google Sheet.
2) Check The Potential To Monetize
Then look at each one of the niches on the list and do a little research about it on your own. Figure out if there is any product that could be suitable for you to sell from any of the niches listed. According to the results of the research that you have done earlier, take note of it and place them also on the Google Sheet list earlier.
3) Decide A Niche
After that, you would want to go through the list that you have made and see which one fulfills this particular formula. The formula is Passion + (Knowledge/Experience/Network) + Monetization = Make Money! You have to really carefully decide on what you wanted to sell. Make sure for you to take time your time doing the research because your success depends on the research that you do in this step.
4) Build An Authority Blog
After you have decided on the niche, you need to have your own publishing channel. Instead of just riding what many people know as the ‘org platform’. This is also very important if you want to dominate the market.
5) Produce A Quality Blog Content
When you already have a platform, you have to start giving it content so that it would be able to attract a lot of potential customers. Without any content, it is not possible for you to build trust and also credibility. That is how you can tell people to buy from you. You also need to learn and also practice writing content at a fast pace.
6) Find Opportunity As An Affiliate
After you already have a few contents, you can now look for opportunities as an Affiliate. This affiliate thing is basically a promoter of other people’s products. If there are people who go click and buy from your link, you will get a commission to yourself.
7) Collect Email Lists
Then you guys can start collecting email lists. This is actually very important because, with an email list, your business can survive for a long time, and also you can make a lot of money.
8) Promote Affiliates In Content
Along the way when you are doing this, you will definitely have a lot of affiliate programs that you have joined. So, you can start adding those links in relevant places like in the content and also blog. If your content provides enough value and is also convincing, it would sure that there will be people who buy.
9) Automate
If all of the above has been done by you, you can start to work your way to automate the promotion process. Design your automation creatively using tools like Funnelytics, ConvertKit, HypeFury, and many others. The workload would become less and less after that.
10) Delegate
Once you guys are able to have a lot of capital, don’t do it all alone. This is the time for you to assemble your own team. Which job do you not like to do but it is important, you can always hire people to do. By doing this, you can focus more on the things you like or more important.
Sources: Twitter HAFIZ AZMAN.