There are indeed a lot of famous people who exist in this whole wide world and they are already known by so many fans out there. For some of the diehard fans of all these famous people, they would have definitely known a lot of details about the famous people. Little did they know, they might have been pronouncing their name wrong all along.
There are actually some famous people with very difficult names to pronounce or even very difficult to spell. Because of that, fans would try their best to pronounce the names with how they could. The fans and all the people can finally know how to pronounce the names correctly after the famous people have explained how to pronounce them right.
1) Vincent van Gogh
There have been different versions of pronunciations for this particular name. For example, it would be pronounced “van Go” in an American accent and it would be pronounced “van Goff” in a British accent. Unfortunately, all of the versions can be said to be technically incorrect. To be correct, it should be pronounced such as “Khokh” like you are having a Dutch accent with some guttural noise in it. It would sound so similar between a cough and also a laugh.
2) Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande herself explained that she pronounced her name as “Gran-dee” when she was growing up. That is how you actually pronounce her name and not the same as how you pronounce the size of the grande Starbucks cup.
3) Dr. Jekyll
The correct pronunciation for this fictional character would be “Jeek-ul” and it is not “Jeck-ul” like a lot of people pronounce it. The original pronunciation from the Scottish accent would usually have the word “Jekyll” with the rhyme of “treacle” and definitely not “heckle”.
4) Rihanna
The actual pronunciation of Rihanna’s name as according to the singer herself would be to pronounce it to sound like “Ree-ann-uh” and it is definitely not like a lot of people try to pronounce it and sound like “Ree-ah-nuh”.
5) Genghis Khan
It is actually correctly pronounced to have a sound like “Chinghis Khan” and this is according to the Mongols. For those who might not know, the accepted version for pronunciation internationally would be to use a soft “G” letter, that would begin with a “jay” sound and it is indeed closer to the original pronunciation.
6) Eva Mendes
The correct pronunciation for this actress’s name would be with the sound of “Ava” and it is not pronounced “Eva” like a lot of people used to pronounce.
7) Ralph Fiennes
Even though the spelling for this person’s name could be quite hard and also confusing, his name was not supposed to be pronounced phonetically. According to Old English pronunciation, it should sound like “Rayf Fines”.
Sources: YouTube Julien Miquel, YouTube Emma Saying, YouTube Genius, YouTube inogolo-pronunciations, YouTube American Pronunciation Guide, YouTube Pronunciation Guide, YouTube Imperial Pod.