Whoever loves to play the Wii Sports games back in the days, this is the time for them to get rejoiced. This is because Nintendo has officially announced that there would be bringing back some or could be said as the sequel for the Wii Sports games but in the new form that is called the Nintendo Switch Sports. There are so many games got included.
Even though the name could be different but a bit of the feature still has the same as the original Wii Sports game and that would be the Nintendo Switch Sports to have motion-control activities and that is actually just by using the Joy-Con controllers. It’s not long of a wait because the Nintendo Switch Sports will be launched on the 29th of April.
These are some of the old games that would be included in the Nintendo Switch Sports:
- Tennis,
- Bowling,
- Chambara.
There are also going to be some new games that will be added for the Nintendo Switch Sports:
- Soccer,
- Badminton,
- Volleyball.
In addition, the owners of the Ring Fit Adventure’s leg strap accessory will be given something new to do for them exclusively by Nintendo. The accessory is indeed supported in the Nintendo Switch Sports, so you can continue using it while you are playing your sports games. The leg strap accessory is included with Nintendo Switch Sports.
Sources: YouTube Nintendo, The Verge, Polygon.