Corbezzolo honey is one of the most famous kinds of honey in the world. Even though it might not sound familiar to people, it has already existed for a very long time already. Made in Sardinia, a lot of people there have been using the Corbezzolo honey as natural medicine. That would be possible if you can get past the bitter taste.
As stated in Oddity Central, this kind of honey has so many nutrients in it. It has been used to help people with sleeping troubles, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also a sedative for cough.
It is made by using the flowers of the corbezzolo shrub. Although it might sound easy to be obtained, the process is indeed so difficult to be done. This type of flower needs to have certain optimum weather conditions to be done. Other than that, the bees also might have some difficulties collecting the nectar due to the shape of the small flowers.
The flavor profile of Corbezzolo honey
- sharp notes of balsamic vinegar,
- pine tree sap,
- licorice,
- a hint of leather,
- coffee,
- a smokey finish.
Sources: Oddity Central, Gustiamo, La Cucina Italiana.