EIS contribution is the Employment Insurance System (EIS). Many people should know about this. For those who do not know, PERKESO officially uses this contribution in the year 2018. It actually aimed to help all the employees.
In specific, the help is for employees that unfortunately have lost their jobs. They are free to use the contribution until they have found new employment. That is why people know that the employer who takes care of the employees’ EIS coverage is someone that takes good care of their workers. To all employees, better check your paycheck now.
EIS Contribution Facts
1) Contribution Rates
The rate of this contribution is actually set at 0.4% of the monthly salary of the employee. For a specific calculation of it, the employer will be paying 0.2% of the contribution while the other 0.2% is indeed deducted from the employee’s salary every month.
2) Eligibility To Claim Benefits
Every single employee that has recently lost their own employment is eligible for this. Nevertheless, there are certain situations that make them not eligible to claim this particular benefit. According to the PERKESO website, these are some of the situations or even conditions that could make the employees not able to claim these benefits.
- Firstly, the insured person has voluntarily resigned.
- Next, the insured person’s fixed-term contract has expired.
- In addition, unconditional termination of a contract of service.
- Other than that, completed the project specified in a contract of service.
- After that, the insured person has retired.
- Last but not least, dismissal of the insured person due to misconduct.
Sources: PERKESO, EIS Coverage.