The mother of Nor Syahira Mohd Fadhail, 23, regards her daughter’s death as fate. Syahira was involved in a car crash yesterday afternoon and was killed along with her three-month-old baby.
Before the tragedy, Nor Asikin Ahmad, 50, said that her daughter had brought lunch as she was hungry in the morning. The last time she saw Syahira was on Sunday morning.
Nor Asikin added that she managed to call Nor Syahira at 11 in the morning before the car crash happened. She had asked her to buy some strawberries and corn. At 1 pm, she received a message from a resident WhatsApp group informing her about the accident.
Nor Syahira intended to come back to Gurun this afternoon when she travelled to Ipoh with her husband and baby that afternoon. Nor Asikin gave out the information to the reporters at the Forensic Department Of Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital.
“Prayers for my daughter and grandchild will be held at a mosque in Gurun. They will be buried in the cemetery in Taman Jerai Indah Mas,” Nor Asikin said.
The car Nor Syahira and her family were riding collided with a Mercedes Benz and cause her and the baby’s death.
Syahira’s husband sustained a serious injury while the driver of the Mercedes Benz was slightly injured.