18-year-old Christopher Slayton spent less than 2 month recreating the entire known universe on Minecraft! Amazing what one person can do in a game about building blocks.
The universe that he recreated comprised of the solar system, the Pillars of Creation, galaxy clusters, and massive galactic entities.

Picture: u/ChrisDaCow/Reddit
To achieve this feat, Slayton spent a lot of time researching black holes, the hues of Saturn’s rings, looked at multiple images of Earth. He even sky dived out of an airplane to get a better look at Earth.
Slayton documented his work on his YouTube channel, where he goes by ChrisDaCow. You can watch how he built the universe below:
Beginning at Earth
Earth was the first planet that he started building. He used a globe to help him measure the location of every continent to replicate the planet.
Later on, after he “made” Earth and the other planets, including Saturn with all of its ring colours and inclinations, he turned his attention to the Sun.

Picture: u/ChrisDaCow/Reddit
Furthermore, to give the fireball an authentic appearance of life, Slayton used solar flares and utilised the brightest blocks in Minecraft to build it.
That was not enough for Slayton, he decided to push his limits and see what he could build.
To guarantee his creation was precise and to scale, Slayton studied black holes (“the toughest thing I’ve ever made in my nine years of playing the game,” he says ) and dug into one of the “most renowned space photographs” of the Pillars of Creation.

Picture: u/ChrisDaCow/Reddit
Slayton said that he was relieved after his 2 month project was complete. He hadn’t slept well and even had a cold when building the universe.
He says that he hopes that he will be able to bring his projects from his bedroom to a studio where he plans to continue making more builds in the future.
Check out his YouTube for more amazing builds!
Sources: ChrisDaCow, Interesting Engineering