The world’s most successful film of all time, Avatar is back on Disney+. The 2oth Century Fox production Avatar was already accessible to stream on Disney+ before the acquisition.
For your information, a couple of months ago, though, before its theatrical re-release, the film was taken off from Disney+. Now, everything is right again! It is because Avatar has returned to the streaming platform, just in time for its sequel to arrive in theatres next month.
Early ticket sales for Avatar: The Way of Water, the sequel that fans have been anticipating since its release in 2009, started on Monday morning.
Disney+ made no prior announcement on the return of the original Avatar to Disney+’s streaming list; but in conjunction with the tickets going live, Disney+ also restored the film.
When Avatar: The Way of Water arrives in theatres in one month, Disney is hoping it will once again set new records for the most successful film at the box office.
It is possible for the corporation to generate excitement for the upcoming release of the sequel to Avatar by placing the first film in the series back on Disney+. This will also provide fans with the option to review the plot before they watch the new Avatar film in theatres.
Source: Comic Book