Muslims are required to make five salah a day — Subuh, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib, and Isya’. Prayer or salah is an obligatory action for all Muslims. In an Islamic context, praying is the second pillar of the religion after taking the shahadah. This shows how important it is for all Muslims to pray to the Almighty.
The earliest salah of the day is the Subuh, which is early in the morning. During that time, people are often in rush to get ready to go to work.
Nevertheless, as Muslims, we must remember to prioritize our salah more than our work. In a video shared by @bentengsejagat on TikTok, he captured several men praying the Subuh prayer. What captured the attention of the viewers was they were praying on a moving train and performing a congregational prayer! For your information, congregational prayer is praying together with others instead of praying individually. What a beautiful sight to witness.
@bentengsejagat Solat Subuh dalam train komuter. Butterworth – Padang Besar. Situasi ini setiap pagi, bagi mereka yang ulang alik Kerja dengan menggunakan KTM Komuter ini. 😊
The train was heading to Padang Pasar from Butterworth. According to the owner of the video, he said that this situation happens every morning. Some people take the chance to pray on the moving train as they might have to be early to work.
For those who wonder if we can pray on the train, the answer is yes! This has been explained by the Federal Territory Office (Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan.)
Therefore, there is no reason for you to not perform your prayers. Praying is easy and does not take a long time to do so.
Seeing them pray, TikTok users hoped that the Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) can open a place for Muslims to pray.
Picture: @bentengsejagat (TikTok)
Sources: @bentengsejagat (TikTok), Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan