Turmeric is actually something that people can use with many things as it has multipurpose. For instance, cooking, health, and also for beauty. Some of the benefits of beauty would be antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and others. There are people that even use turmeric powder as a beauty face mask. This is because, it is in fact very good for acne, hyperpigmentation, skin irritation, and also fine lines on the skin.
Unfortunately, things do not turn out well for this particular girl when she decided to use turmeric powder as a beauty face mask. She actually did that because the advice to use turmeric powder was given by her mother. She shared her experience on her Twitter social media platform by showing her face that was stained in a very bright yellow color after applying turmeric powder on her skin as a beauty face mask.
This girl mentioned, “It lasted for about two days. I put extra effort into getting rid of it, to be honest”. Lucky for that.
Sources: Twitter yakul..