Eel is a type of creature that usually found hiding in caves or burying themselves in soft sediment or sand. They act that way because they love to stay in narrow spaces.
Because of that, Sendai Umino-Mori, an aquarium that is located in Japan has come up with an adorable place to hide for eels by installing ehomaki or better know as “sushi roll” cylinders for their eels to slide into.
Anago that is also known as conger eel, can grow to about 40cm to 90cm and are usually used as an ingredient in ehomaki. Contrary to unagi, which is freshwater eel, anago is saltwater eel.
うみの杜に今年もアナゴの恵方巻水槽が本日16日より登場です。昨年よりも具材(?)増量でギッチギチ😃 あなたも恵方巻になれる「恵方巻パネル」も設置中#s_uminomori #恵方巻 #アナゴ— 仙台うみの杜水族館公式 (@sendaiuminomori) January 16, 2021
According to the report, the eels can be spotted at the aquarium between the date of 16 January and also 3 February. This particular unique attraction has become so popular that the aquarium released adorable plushies this year.
Sources: Twitter Sendaiuminomori