During this pandemic COVID-19 situation, most of the students in primary and also secondary schools are required to learn online from home. Unfortunately, many problems have emerged for these students because of some unavoidable reasons. One of the main issues that many students face would be, not everyone has access to the internet and also gadgets that are essential to online learning.
Because of that, a particular school in Kedah that is SK Taman Ria took proactive initiatives to help the students in need in a very creative way. The purpose is to ensure that the students who face these issues are still able to keep up with their studies. The school has introduced the ‘Drop Box Station’ program.
SK Taman Ria realized that students did not have access to data and devices and were struggling to keep up with online lessons. For this reason, they started the ‘Drop Box Station’ program where parents can come to school to collect modules for students home learning. pic.twitter.com/YpUwYNd8Gs
— PEMIMPIN GSL (@PemimpinGSL) January 25, 2021
The ‘Drop Box Station’ enables all the students who are struggling with online lessons because of the limit that they have to face to keep up with their own studies by housing physical modules. The process is actually simple, parents can actually come at any time of the day to pick up and also hand in their children’s homework or even learning materials.
This idea is all thanks to their passionate educators who were concerned with a deficit in the knowledge that will emerge in the young children who do not have access to online learning.
Pemimpin GSL stated in the tweets, “The school believes that after a year in this pandemic, it is important for the schools, teachers, and the community to figure out innovative solutions that will ensure access to education for our students”. They also stated that the program is sponsored by @UBS Optimus Foundation and also @MOFmalaysia through the @YayasanHasanah COVID Grant.
Sources: Twitter Pemimpin GSL