Panic doesn’t help solve the problem. In these critical situations, we need to calm down and obey the orders of the government and the authorities to curb the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Panic buying only hurts oneself when people flock to supermarkets. It could be that in-crowd, there are other customers where are COVID-19 patients without our knowledge. Non-sympathetic patients are believed to be able to spread the virus further.
Therefore, we should obey the directives of the authorities who are working hard to handle this crisis with the necessary expertise. Here are 5 reasons why should we avoid panic buying for the benefit of ourselves and others.
- Supply of basic needs sufficient.
- You can still go out and provide necessities
- Sufficient supply for all if we cooperate not buy in a panic.
- Buying excess goods is detrimental because each item has a shelf life.
- Panic buying creates price manipulation and supply in the market.
Remember, you can still get basic requirements even when the Movement Control Order is executed. Most importantly, make sure alert with precaution measures especially in terms of cleanliness and cleaning as soon as you return to public places to avoid the risk of spreading the virus to your loved ones.
Sources: KPDNHEP