‘Save Ralph’ is actually a stop motion mockumentary animated short film written and directed by Spencer Susser. The plot follows a particular interview with Ralph, a rabbit...
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‘Save Ralph’ is actually a stop motion mockumentary animated short film written and directed by Spencer Susser. The plot follows a particular interview with Ralph, a rabbit...
According to a US-based animatronics company, a life-sized robot dolphin could help end animal captivity by replacing live animals in aquariums and theme parks....
There has been a particular video that went viral that shows a man shooting a stray dog using a rifle at his own housing...
Cruelty towards animals just becoming worse these days. People seem like they have forgetting to nourish the loving and caring attitude towards animals. This...
Animal cruelty has become more and more uncontrollable lately. Many people have the wicked desire to torture animals as they like and they even...