The Purge is actually an American anthology media franchise centered on a series of dystopian action horror films distributed by Universal Pictures and produced...
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The Purge is actually an American anthology media franchise centered on a series of dystopian action horror films distributed by Universal Pictures and produced...
Turkey, known as the Republic of Turkey is a country bridging Europe and Asia. It shares borders with Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest,...
Kiswah is actually the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is draped annually on the 9th day of the month...
A plague doctor was actually a physician who treated victims of the bubonic plague during the epidemics time. All of these physicians were hired...
Black Thorn Durian has a bright yellow and rosy orange hue, with its signature mark being its thick core and a reddish-brown line along...
Wagyu beef is actually the transcendently tender, fatty, umami-rich steak and has become as synonymous with luxury as caviar or even black truffles. Simply...
Recently, the presence of a particular prototype Israeli spy plane reportedly conducting a test flight across Putrajaya airspace before landing in Singapore invites various...
Al-Aqsa Mosque is located in the Old City of Jerusalem and it is the third holiest site in Islam. The covered mosque building was originally a small prayer house erected by Umar,...
When the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration is getting near, there must be a lot of Raya songs that will get played on the radio....
Our world is definitely filled with the most unique structures that are both man-made and also natural. All of them are actually so beautiful...