Lucasfilm, the studio behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, has teamed up with Studio Ghibli, the acclaimed animation studio responsible for such global...
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Lucasfilm, the studio behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, has teamed up with Studio Ghibli, the acclaimed animation studio responsible for such global...
While fans wait for the fifth film, it appears that more Indiana Jones adventures will be available on Disney+ as a television series. Variety...
In conjunction with Star Wars Day celebration yesterday, Disney revealed the first footage of its impressive working lightsaber. Its existence was announced last month...
Every year, May 4th is celebrated as International Star Wars Day. The reason behind this is because of the popular phrase ‘May the force...
In Singapore’s Fusionopolis Tech Park, you will see a huge glass-windowed building shaped like a weird horseshoe. You will be looking at The Sandcrawler....
The removal of Gina Carano from The Mandalorian’s cast earlier this month surely upsetting the fans of the series. Gina Carano played Cara Dune,...