Lucasfilm, the studio behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, has teamed up with Studio Ghibli, the acclaimed animation studio responsible for such global...
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Lucasfilm, the studio behind Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, has teamed up with Studio Ghibli, the acclaimed animation studio responsible for such global...
There is a place in Kelantan that resembles the breathtaking Hokkaido, or the user @heartpatrick on Tik Tok proclaimed, a ‘Ghibli Lookalike’. The beautiful...
Studio Ghibli, known as the ‘Disney’ version of Japan is popular for its animated feature films. Their popular animated such Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving...
The summer of last year has been saved by one of the best cartoons of all time. The release of Avatar: The Last Airbender...
Studio Ghibli has known to transport viewers to a magical world. A campsite in Japan, Hygge Circles Ugakei is inspired by one of the...
“Grave of the Fireflies”, a 1988 production from the famed Japanese animation house that is Studio Ghibli is definitely one of the saddest animated...
Hayao Miyazaki, who turns 80 on January 5, has declared his retirement on more than one occasion, but he cannot help himself from enjoying...
Many of us might watch at least one of the movies produced by Studio Ghibli, or even heard of it. It’s no shock that...