Malaysia has prohibited gatherings and strongly recommended canceling all gatherings of any kind, forcing many couples to make the hard decision to postpone their wedding day.
However, before the Movement Control Order began today, this couple has gone ahead of their wedding in precautionary measures. Before this, the Ministry of Health also recommends ‘no shake hands’ to lower the risk of getting infected.
This couple had a gift box rather than the standard going of wedding cash.
3. The wedding party gave the nourishment in packeted structures to their visitors
4. Visitors gather their nourishment from their vehicles and utilize the hand signal as an indication of appreciation.
Credit to the couple for figuring out how to have their wedding be “pandemic-accommodating” and incredibly chivalrous to their visitors. Yet, recollect there are not any more mass get-togethers until the 31st of March.
Bersempena Isu Covid 19
1) Isyarat Tangan Sebagai Tanda Salam.
2)Tabung Sumbangan Pengganti Salam Keruk
3)Pihak Pengantin Hulur Makanan
4)Tetamu Ambil Makanan,Isyarat tangan Kembali Tanda Terima Kasih.Kurangkan ke tempat terbuka dan bersentuhan.
— tíhah (@fthhanrr) March 16, 2020
Sources: Ministry of Health, Dinas Bridal