Recently, there is a video that has gone viral on social media especially Facebook. The video shows foreign workers rushing into a mini-mart in a dormitory after it was closed for 2 weeks.
As a respond to the video, the Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said in a Facebook post that the incident was unexpected.
“MOM has investigated into the matter. The dormitory has an established queue system to allow workers to purchase their essentials in an orderly manner with social distancing measures in place,” said MOM.
As said by MOM, the video does not show the full story. It is believed that dormitory and security officers were at the scene to usher foreign workers back to the queue.
“Workers seen rushing out in the video were promptly stopped by dormitory and security officers and asked to return to the back of the queue. This was not shown in the video circulating online,” added MOM.
MOM also have identified the foreign workers involved and action will be taken against them.