Peyton Manker,18, from Illinois has been gaining a lot of attention on social media lately for her one-of-a-kind prom dress. She single-handedly created the dress by using about 41 rolls of duct tape.
When she decided to compete in this year’s Stuck at Prom contest this January, she never thought it would turn her into an overnight sensation.
“I decided to make the dress based on the pandemic because I knew no one in the competition was going to be able to re-create it,” Manker said.
“I knew I would stand out in that way and wanted to base it off of what was happening in the world,” she added.
Her prom and graduation were canceled this year but that didn’t stop her from sinking just under 400 hours of work. She spent 41 rolls of duct tape to create this magnificent dress that shocked the internet. She never got to wear it in front of her schoolmates but now, the world knows the dress.
The one who’s responsible for this is her mother, Suzy. Suzy shared photos of the dress in her post that now already has been shared over 250,000 times.
Since then, Peyton has received thousands of praises and congratulatory messages from across the world.
Manker said “I’m grateful to have so much support from people around the world,”
The dress feature Covid-19 related scenes, as can be seen, front-line medical personnel, people running from a giant coronavirus, virtual graduation, and a man with a confused thought.
Source: Oddity Central